Saturday 25 February 2023

6 simple steps for a heart-healthy lifestyle

 It is very important to secure your heart...

Healthy Heart = Healthy You

The stylish thing you can do to ameliorate heart health is to produce a good life plan that's designed to strengthen your cardiovascular system. A good plan can start with the 6 simple ways below. 

1) Add Physical Activity to Your Day

A good way to start strengthening your heart is sculpturing out 75 twinkles or further per week of vigorous aerobic exertion or 150 minutes or further per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exertion. 
Don't let this discourage you if you're new to exercising!!  

2) Control Your Cholesterol

Fried foods are yummy... but it results in high risk and sometimes high-risk can create heart disease and stroke too. 

Still, you should bandy if life changes and/ or add a cholesterol-lowering drug, similar to statins If you presently have high cholesterol then with your physician on a plan will help heart complaints move forward.

3) Examine Your Blood Pressure

Checking your blood pressure regularly, whether from your physician or indeed the cuff at the drugstore, can keep hypertension from sneaking up on you. For some people, diet changes and some exercise are completely enough. Some need to get advice from their physician about how they can reduce or control hypertension.

4) Lose Weight

Losing weight is the best tip to reduce heart disease. When you exfoliate redundant fat and unessential pounds, you reduce the burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and shell. You give yourself the gift of active living, by lowering your blood pressure. Weight operations, including medical weight loss, can help you with a long-term plan.

5) Quit Smoking

The number one thing anyone can do to reduce heart disease is to stop smoking. Smoking, including cigarettes, is the most preventable cause of death in the United States. Giving up the habit can have a tremendous effect on your health, life span, and capability to enjoy life down the road. 
Being open with your physician about your tobacco use is important so we can help understand what walls may live that decelerate your progress and help you quit. There are numerous programs available for cases both virtual or in-person options, as well as different nicotine relief and pharmacologic options to help you quit. 

6) Get good sleep

Sleep is a foundational element of the human system and a demand for life. Sleep has been shown that people who don't regularly admit enough sleep, at least 7 to 8 hours a night, are more likely to have high blood pressure and heart disease. Conditions like sleep apnea, when your airway is blocked while sleeping, and sleeplessness can impact your heart health over time. However, working with a sleep specialist to regulate your sleep schedule can ameliorate your sleep quality and cover your heart health, if you constantly have problems sleeping. 

What is ANDROGRAPHIS? How it is used in the treatment process?

The plant Andrographis is native to South Asian nations like India and Sri Lanka. Medicine is made from underground stems and leaves. 

Andrographis is frequently used to treat and prevent influenza (colds and flu). Despite the fact that this claim is unproven, some individuals assert that Andrographis halted the Indian flu epidemic of 1919. 

Andrographis is also used to treat a wide range of other problems. 

It is used to treat digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, gas in the intestines, colic, and pain in the stomach; for conditions that affect the liver, such as jaundice, an enlarged liver, and medication-related liver damage; for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, leprosy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, cholera, leptospirosis, rabies, and sinusitis; and for skin conditions like itchiness, wounds, and ulcers. 

For sore throats, coughs, swollen tonsils, bronchitis, and allergies, some people use Andrographis. Additionally, it is used to prevent heart disease and diabetes as well as "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis). 

In addition, it is used to treat pyelonephritis (a kidney condition), hemorrhoids, and an inherited condition known as familial Mediterranean fever. 

Additionally, Andrographis is used as an astringent, bactericide, pain reliever, fever reducer, and worm treatment. Andrographolide, an additional amount of an active ingredient, can be found in some products sold on the internet under the brand name Andrographis. 

A portion of these items is practically 30% andrographolide. However, take caution; It is unknown whether Andrographis preparations with a high andrographolide content are safe and effective.

Monday 20 February 2023

Know your history & protect your heart!!

Heart Complaint is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each time. Recently, about 44 of all women fete heart complaints as their leading cause of death. It’s important to know your family history and treat them properly to reduce heart failure and protect your heart.

Utmost cardiac and stroke events can be prevented through education and life changes, including living a more active life, eating smart, and managing blood pressure.

Heart Failure symptoms

Youngish women are having further heart attacks, says a recent study. Experimenters were surprised to find that while the heart attack rate has dropped among aged grown-ups, it's risen among those periods 35-54, especially women. The Atherosclerosis threat in Communities studies reviewed further than 26,000 hospitalizations for heart attacks in four metropolises.

Find out the awareness and education about heart disease by clicking here, Heart protection

Monday 13 February 2023

Eating eggs can protect your Heart?

A recent investigation on the relationship between egg consumption and heart health was published in the Nutrients journal.

According to the study, eating one to three eggs each week reduces cardiovascular disease risk by 60%.

In fact, the study discovered that people who consume four to seven eggs a week have a 75% decreased risk of acquiring cardiovascular disease. However, after taking into account sociodemographic, lifestyle, and clinical characteristics, they only discovered a protective impact of consuming one to three eggs each week.

Are eggs healthy for the heart?

"Vitamins B2, B12, and selenium, all of which are cardioprotective, are abundant in eggs." She continued by saying that the vitamin B2 and B12 they contain can aid in bringing homocysteine levels back to normal, as high levels can contribute to artery plaques.

Early cardiovascular disease may hasten middle-aged cognitive deterioration!

Since 1990, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects over 550 million people globally, has doubled.

Dementia and cognitive decline in older persons have been linked to CVD.

Young and middle-aged people had a stable or rising incidence and mortality of CVD in recent years.

According to recent studies, patients with early CVD may be more susceptible to memory loss, cognitive decline, and poorer brain function in middle age.

To know and discuss more about the nutrition benefits which reduce cardiovascular disease, click here…

A world-class institute dedicated to the treatment of all heart conditions has been inaugurated in Thailand.

Artirat Charukitpipat, CEO of Bumrungrad International Hospital, along with Associate Professor Dr. Taveesin Tanprayoon, Chief Medical Offic...